CPIM Practice Exam 2024 - Free CPIM Practice Questions and Study Guide

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Given lead times for components, what is the longest cumulative lead time when calculating the planning horizon?



The longest cumulative lead time in the context of calculating the planning horizon refers to the pathway through which a product or assembly’s components must be procured or manufactured, considering the lead times for each component involved. In this scenario, the pathway A-C-G summarizes the steps that extend the lead time the most, meaning that the total time to acquire or assemble the parts flows through these specific components. Each of these components has intrinsic lead times that, when added together, provide an extensive total lead time. This is important for effective planning, as optimizing the lead time ensures that production schedules align with component availability. Other options might consist of shorter or more direct paths that do not capture the longest cumulative lead time. They could involve fewer components, or components may possess shorter lead times than those represented in the chosen pathway of A-C-G. In planning, understanding these cumulative lead times is crucial for setting accurate timelines and ensuring that all parts are available when needed for production.




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